• Clear Apophyllite

    High vibrational in nature, Clear Apophyllite evokes feelings of Universal Love, Inner Peace, and Light as it activates the Crown, Third Eye, and Heart chakra. It enhances our inner vision, connecting us to a higher consciousness as it deepens our connection to spirit guides and guardian angels. Commonly known as the Reiki Stone, it is a supporting crystal if you are working through shadows and releasing emotional trauma, raising an overall awareness around us.

  • Green Apophyllite

    Green Apophyllite opens the heart chakra and assists with feelings of loss and grief. It’s a powerful crystal for emotional healing and trauma, as it assists in the act of acceptance, forgiveness, and letting go of emotional baggage we may be holding within our energetic field. A suitable crystal if you are working with Earth healing, as it connects us back to the energies of our heart, Mother Earth and nature.

  • Pink Apophyllite

    Rarest out of all Apophyllites, these vibrant shades of pink vibrate loving, feminine energy into the heart space. Pink Apophyllite opens and heals the heart while allowing us to feel the ebb and flow of our emotions. Its angelic energy helps us connect with our spirit guides and Guardian Angels for support and guidance. A powerful crystal if you are wanting to connect with the Divine Feminine through sacred feminine wisdom and sensuality.

  • Aquamarine

    The word Aquamarine comes from the Latin “aqua marinus” meaning “Water of the Sea.” In Ancient lore, it was believed that sailors used this crystal as a talisman of good luck, fearlessness, and protection while traveling across the sea. They also considered it to be under the influence of the moon, strengthening our intuition and increasing sensitivity. It promotes emotional clarity as it cleanses the emotional body. Because of its fluidity, it is useful for moving through transition and change and overcoming the fear of the unknown as it allows us to find comfort in going with the flow of things. Commonly known as the “Stone of Courage” Aquamarine activates the Throat Chakra and helps overcome the fear of speaking and opens the channels of clear and heartfelt communication.

  • Azurite

    Azurite is the "Stone of Heaven" and also known as the "Stone of Synthesis." Its rich deep blue color activates our Third Eye and Throat Chakra, allowing us to be guided by a Higher truth separate from our ego. It strengthens our intuition and also helps us interpret psychic information without our judgment and opinion getting in the way to gain insight for the Highest good of all beings. Azurite helps release blocks in our communication and expands our minds into new perspectives. It will challenge our view of reality and help us let go of programmed belief systems to move into the unknown without fear. When working with Azurite, old beliefs will come up into your conscious mind and be tested against truth. It can also facilitate a psychosomatic understanding of the effect of our minds and emotions on our bodies. Azurite is a supportive stone to have in the office or studio, as it stimulates our creativity, learning, and memory. If you enjoy this type of mental activation, it's also a powerful stone to have by the bedside, as it enhances our dream states and can induce lucid dreaming and astral traveling (if you do prefer the latter, I suggest having a grounding crystal with you, like Black Tourmaline or Smoky Quartz, to protect and ground yourself back to your body). Azurite can also strengthen our astral and etheric bodies.

  • Calcite

    A powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy, Calcite works to clear and activate all chakras to improve the flow of energy throughout the subtle bodies- a suitable crystal used for distance healing work when the energies need to travel far. A supportive crystal for those working with Law of Attraction, Calcite can help manifest your goals and intentions into reality. Also known as Stone of Mind, it enhances your discernment, memory, and learning abilities.

  • Honey Calcite

    Honey Calcite increases feelings of self-worth, confidence, and courage as we navigate challenging obstacles and unsettling situations. It engages with our Solar Plexus chakra, connecting us back to our personal power, empowering us to get through any goals we set for ourselves. It encourages leadership, motivation, and determination as it strengthens willpower. A supporting crystal if you are working with creating and maintaining healthy boundaries with yourself and those around us.

  • Cavansite

    An absolute rarity of a gem, Cavansite was first discovered in Oregon in the 1960s and was later discovered in Poona, India. The specimens coming out of India are still of the highest quality, yet extremely scarce. Cavansite enhances our ability to connect with higher realms, understand our dreams, and communicate with our guides. A powerful crystal to have next to the bed, Cavansite can assist in lucid dreaming and astral travel, finding more clarity and meaning behind our dreams. It can support us through major life changes and aid us through a comfortable transition as we navigate the uncertainty and overwhelming feelings of change. The magnetic blue and unique flower-like formations this crystal offers connects deep with our Throat Chakra, channeling and holding space for our authentic creativity and Highest Truth to be expressed.

  • Black Chalcedony

    Black Chalcedony connects with our Base chakra and has a stabilizing energy that assists in grounding our mental and emotional states. Expanding awareness, Black Chalcedony allows us to gain insight on negative thought patterns and feelings of fear and self limiting beliefs. It transmutes this energy so we are able to release and let go of any blockages that are holding us back.

  • Blue Chalcedony

    Blue Chalcedony is known as the Speaker’s Stone and stimulates the Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra is the voice of our body and allows the energy of the other chakras to be expressed. When balanced and open, we are able to clearly express what we think and what we feel in order to bring our Highest Truth out into the world with intention. Blue Chalcedony calms and centers the emotional energy field and promotes goodwill, brotherhood, and harmony while absorbing and dissipating negative energy.

  • Epidote

    The meaning of Epidote comes from the Greek word “increase” as it enhances the energy of its environment. It works with the Law of Attraction so it will give you what you emanate and aligns you with parallel realities. Epidote helps overcome victimhood and pushes us to embody a co-creator consciousness. It helps with hopelessness, depression, self-criticism, and self-sabotage. If you are stuck in a repetitive cycle and have difficulty breaking old patterns, it will help change your perspective and enhance your positive traits, bringing more positive energy into your life. Epidote is also a supportive crystal to work with if you are trying to improve your personal relationships. It will help you find the root of the problems in your relationships and ways to resolve it through better communication, patience, and courage.

  • Purple Fluorite

    Known as the “Genius Stone,” Purple Fluorite represents the highest state of mental achievement, boosting discernment, and supporting us through complex issues. It stimulates our brain, drawing in more life force (prana) as it expands our consciousness through mental, spiritual, and psychic awareness. A powerful crystal if you want to cleanse and stimulate the Third Eye chakra.

  • Garnet

    Garnet is the embodiment of the energies of fire, passion, and creation. It connects us back to the wisdom of the womb space, where life force moves through us. Garnet allows us to embody our sexuality and our power to create in this world, whether that is birthing children, making art, or building a business. It activates our Sacral and Root Chakras, allowing us to find stability and security in our lives. Garnet reminds us to honor ourselves and is a supportive stone to work with when you are learning to navigate boundaries within yourself and others.

  • Heulandite

    Heulandite expands the Heart Chakra, specifically strengthening your connection to Mother Earth and the heart of Gaia. It supports deep emotional and karmic healing as you tune into past life traumas and the Akashic records. Heulandite helps release pain, anger, and resentment from past life events that are caused by blockages and encourages your ability to forgive and love. An overall powerful crystal for your healing journey as it supports integration and awareness.

  • Lapis Lazuli

    Referred to as “The Wisdom Stone” Lapis Lazuli remains the symbol of royalty, honor, spirit, and vision. It is a universal symbol of wisdom and truth, and was unsurprisingly the most highly prized crystal for thousands of years during Ancient Egypt. Known as “The Wisdom Keeper” it encourages self-awareness and self-confidence as it synchronizes the mind, body, and spirit - unveiling our inner wisdom and connection with our inner strength. It stimulates clarity and objectivity, providing a helpful tool for intellectual analysis, memory, problem-solving, and creating new ideas. Historically a stone of royalty, it also balances the masculine and feminine aspects of our personality. In Vedic astrology, Lapis Lazuli is connected to Saturn, the planet of karma, and has also been said to be ruled by Jupiter, which is the planet of wisdom and consciousness. It is no surprise Lapis Lazuli has been highly regarded for thousands of years, as its energy is quite potent for healing karmic energies that don’t serve us and aligning with our inner wisdom.

  • Mordenite

    Mordenite enhances deep meditation, helping release mental distractions and negative thought patterns. It brings peace and serenity by attracting harmonious energies, cultivating more positive thinking. A supportive crystal in relationships, Mordenite brings balance through communication, trust, and mutual respect. It is quite the powerful crystal to have around when you are practicing White Magic. It protects against negative, hurtful energies as you perform your rituals, while also assisting in maintaining focus and channeling in more supportive energies from nature.

  • Pyrite

    Pyrite is a stone of strength, power, and personal will. Masculine in nature, Pyrite invites us to step into our power with confidence and leadership. It activates our Solar Plexus Chakra, igniting the fire within us to stay motivated and confident in our passions, making this a suitable crystal to work with while doing manifestation work. Also known as “Fool’s Gold,” it taps into our self-worth and how we create and embody abundance in our lives. Whenever we feel the need for that extra push to achieve our goals and dreams, Pyrite is there to kick it up a notch.

  • Himalayan Quartz

    Hand mined high in the Himalayas and said to embody the “yang” energies of the mountain, Himalayan Quartz instills empowerment and clarity of mind to help guide us through our lessons during this lifetime. It is a must-have crystal if you are looking to cleanse, release, and clear any stagnant or negative energies within yourself and the space around you. It supports our chakras, cleansing and recharging these energy centers in order for prana or qi (life force) to move through our bodies harmoniously. Because of its purifying energy, it is a perfect piece to cleanse and recharge other crystals in your collection. Himalayan Quartz has the ability to guide us into reaching Samadhi, Oneness of Mind, so it is quite the powerful crystal to have around during meditation or any type of manifestation work.

  • Phantom Quartz

    Phantom Quartz are quartz crystals that have another crystal growing within, giving the appearance of a “phantom” crystal inside. The mineral inclusions are often brown, yellow, orange, gold, red, or pink caused by various inosilicate minerals collectively called Amphiboles that occur within the crystal. An excellent companion to go inward and analyze past traumas that are no longer serving you. It assists in letting go of feelings of anger, fear, and resentment. A powerful tool for healing old patterns, doing inner child work, and releasing past life trauma, assisting you to access the Akashic Records.

  • Smoky Quartz

    Smoky Quartz is the perfect crystal for releasing and letting go of unwanted energies in our energy field. It cleanses, purifies, and brings balance and stability to our environment. Because it connects us back to the Earth, it’s also a supportive crystal for our Root Chakra and grounding ourselves back to our body and the present moment. Smoky Quartz allows us to act on our intuition as it solidifies and brings our visions into the physical realm.

  • Scolecite

    Scolecite has a unique structure in that it forms in clusters of sharp, needle-like points. It facilitates deep meditation and spiritual transformation and is a powerful rebalancing stone for those that live in high-energy environments. Associated with Yin energy, Scolecite promotes self-love, self-healing, and inner peace. A calming, peaceful crystal, Scolecite enhances the dream state and assists with dream recall and astral traveling.

  • Stilbite

    Stilbite comes from the Greek word “stil bein” meaning “to shine.” It opens our Heart Chakra and vibrates universal love and feminine energy into the world. It helps overcome fear, loss, and grief and brings inner peace and spiritual guidance. Having this crystal in the bedroom can aid with insomnia, quieting the inner chatter of our minds, and understanding and manifesting our dreams into reality. It is a perfect crystal for enhancing meditation and opening ourselves to the spiritual realms.

  • Black Tourmaline

    Black Tourmaline has been used since ancient times by our ancestors, Shamans, and healers. Still a powerful talisman for protection, it helps to create a psychic shield deflecting and dispelling negative energies, entities, and destructive forces. Rooted in its grounding, protective energies, Black Tourmaline is a supportive crystal if you are looking for stability and protection during challenging situations. It is a purifying crystal to work with when you find yourself in a cycle of negative thoughts and internal conflict, helping neutralize these thoughts into a more useful, positive way. Powerful in nature, it protects against EMF and environmental pollutants- which is why it is so important to cleanse your crystals regularly.