
Self-Awareness allows us to reflect on our thoughts, words, and actions.

It allows us to be curious about our triggers and take responsibility for how we express our emotions and accept the consequences that come with the impact of our words and actions.

To become a fully conscious participant in this lifetime, we must learn to embrace our strengths and weaknesses, to understand our light and shadow aspects.

Sometimes we can get so caught up in judging others and calling out other people’s behaviors and actions before our own. Usually what triggers us in others is a reflection of what is going on internally, whether that is our own unhealed trauma, our insecurities, or parts of ourselves that need to be free and healed.

As we learn to become more intimate with this side of ourselves, we can develop a deep knowing of what is ours to take responsibility for and what isn’t. We can learn to self-regulate our emotions, our actions, and our nervous system. With this practice, we gain a natural sense of self-trust, self-love, and self-worth that no one can take away from us - and that is the biggest service you can do for yourself and your relationships.


Trauma Healing + Life Update


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